

Boxing Classes Singapore

Boxing is a sport that challenges children physically and mentally, providing them a foundation to improve themselves in a nurturing and supportive environment. It develops their fitness, self-defense skills, discipline, teamwork, respect for authority, and confidence level.

boxing classes singapore
  • Boxing involves a lot of intense physical activity that promotes cardiovascular endurance. This sport requires a lot of movement and coordination, such as jumping, running, and throwing punches, which helps in building strong muscles, improving hand-eye coordination, and increasing stamina. Through regular training, children will be able to develop not only their physical attributes but also their mental strength.

  • In addition to physical fitness, one of the most significant benefits of boxing is its focus on self-defense. It teaches kids how to protect themselves in potentially dangerous situations, which is essential in today's world. With an emphasis on safety and protection, boxing engages children in learning how to defend themselves and instills the confidence to face challenges, both physical and mental.

  • Children need structure and discipline, and boxing provides both. This sport requires punctuality and consistency that requires children to show up on time, train, and put in the effort required to achieve growth and progress. Boxing promotes and teaches these behaviors, which they can also apply to other aspects of their life. Along with discipline, kids will also learn to respect authority, such as trainers and coaches, and other individuals in their lives.

  • Boxing is a sport that encourages diversity and teamwork. Regardless of the skill level, boxing is open to everyone, providing them a platform to learn and grow together. As kids train and spar with their peers, they learn to communicate, support, and rely on one another. They develop bonds and respect for each other, regardless of their age, background, or ability.

  • Boxing has a noticeable impact on the confidence level of children. As they make progress week-by-week in their training, the confidence grows. This newfound confidence translates into other areas of their lives, such as school and social interactions. Kids learn to stand tall and proud of their accomplishments, giving them the courage to take on new challenges.

Why Learn Boxing

Lesson Plans

  • Objective: Understand the basics of boxing and learn about safety measures.

    • Explain what boxing is and discuss the safety measures (10 minutes)

    • Basic stance and guard demonstration and practice (20 minutes)

    • Practice movements such as light jumping on the spot and moving around with change of directions (30 minutes)

  • Objective: Learn and practice footwork and movement in boxing.

    • Recap of boxing rules and regulations (10 minutes)

    • Demonstration of footwork and movement (10 minutes)

    • Practice with the lean back technique (15 minutes)

    • Practice with the parry technique (15 minutes)

    • Agility ladder drills (10 minutes)

  • Objective: Learn and practice the basic jabbing technique.

    • Recap (5 minutes)

    • Demonstration of jabbing technique (10 minutes)

    • Practice jabbing in the air (20 minutes)

    • Progress to jabbing boxing pads and punching bags (25 minutes)

  • Objective: Learn and practice the cross-punch technique.

    • Recap the jabbing technique (5 minutes)

    • Demonstration of the cross punch technique (10 minutes)

    • Practice the cross punch on punching bags (15 min)

    • Pair up to practice the cross punch with boxing pads (15 minutes)

    • Pad work with coach for jab and cross together (15 minutes)
